Live Smarter

What to do this week- 2nd week of November

making a list



Did you finish everything from part one last week? I didn’t think so.

That’s OK, but let’s recap what needs to be done by next Friday if you are going to keep your stress levels down.

>Finalize your menu.

>Touch base with people to find out how many are actually coming.

>Assign them each something to bring. Even if it’s pop, wine, napkins, whipped cream (NOT Cool Whip!), coffee, whatever. Every little bit helps. Just make sure that you can count on the person you’ve assigned it to.

>Buy dry goods, canned goods, etc. Stuff that can be bought ahead of time.

>Order any other special order stuff. Desserts, etc.

>Finish up housecleaning and laundry. Have house prepared for possible overnight guests. You never know.

>Do you have enough silverware? Drinking glasses? Chairs?

Get what you need now.

>Get all of the good dishes and glass-wear washed.

Don’t you feel like you should be running around more?

Seems too easy, doesn’t it?

Just make sure you have finished these tasks. The last few days will be a lot easier than you ever imagined, if you just stick with the plan.

Next week we will go through a day-by-day, and even a step-by-step schedule to get that dinner on the table in style

So how are you feeling? In control?

Isn’t it great?

Time to dance.




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