Have you thought about spring cleaning?
Whoever thought it was a good idea to start cleaning when it gets nice out and we can finally get outside?
I like to start now when we’re stuck inside and bored anyway… And this year I’m going to do things a little differently. Instead of giving the the big overwhelming spring cleaning list- I’m going to give you just one task at a time.
Instead of waiting and trying to eat that elephant in one sitting, you can start now and eat it one bite at a time. That way, when spring does finally come, you are ready to get outside!
Start with a cobweb check and take a good look at each room. Use an extended duster, or your vacuum attachments to go around and get rid of any cobwebs and such. This week’s task is…
Cleaning Ceilings and Walls
In most rooms you might be able to just vacuum the ceilings and walls, or use a Swifter Sweeper.
Wipe down doors and trim. Those usually need a good cleaning.
Spot clean walls.
Sometimes you just can’t escape washing the walls. Each room should be washed down every couple years, especially the kitchen and bath.
Washing wall is definitely not one of my favorite things to do. I really put it off until I can’t stand it anymore.
Then I just do a little at a time. If I decided to wash the ceiling, I figure that’s enough for one stint. I often wash one wall at a time.
Pick the rooms that you need to tackle first…
Eventually its done. It wouldn’t get done at all if I waited until I have the time and motivation to do it all at once.
I’ve been using Mr. Clean for this task lately.
Magic Erasers are good for removing heavy spots, but be aware that they will remove glossy finishes also. I’ve had that happen to an eggshell finish, and a rangehood. You’ve been warned…
And usually, not all the rooms need to be done. The kitchen and bathroom always need to be done. Then the other rooms you just do as needed. Make sure you keep up with handprints and scuffs.

In the bathroom, take time to clean the fan out or you’ll have dirt settling on the walls you just cleaned.
When you are washing a wall with window, treatments, at a minimum you’ll want to feather dust or Swiffer them before you wash the walls. Otherwise all that dust will settle on the walls you just washed. Best option for curtains and valances is to dust,them, then throw them in the wash (if they are washable of course.)
Extra Tip – Feather dusting your window treatments at least once a month will keep them looking clean longer, and cut down on your dusting.
OK, I admit, this is a big bite, but there’s no rush. We have a couple more months of disappointing weather… Just do a little at a time.