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garlic cloves still life


Garlic is a little powerhouse. It is a natural antibiotic. It lowers cholesterol and blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels. Also thought to actually destroy cancer cells, kill viruses and bacteria, and of course, keep vampires away.

Garlic binds toxic minerals such as lead, and carries them out of the body.

It has been used for centuries to heal many ailments.

Ancient Egyptians used garlic to help them sleep. They also used a mixture of garlic and olive oil to cure earaches.

Russians used it as an antiseptic during World War II, using the juice directly on wounds.

Garlic is also good for sinus and respiratory problems, and fights off colds due to it’s germ fighting powers. Onions, leeks, chives and scallions are also in the same family.

Unfortunately, cooking destroys some of its power.

To use garlic medicinally, peel and slice. Wait 30-60 seconds and eat it. There is a chemical reaction that happens when the garlic is exposed to the air, and then it starts to dissipate the longer it is exposed.

I mince it up and put it on a piece of buttered bread, or toast. Its easier to eat that way.



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