Live Smarter

Finding Your Freedom


We talk a lot about freedom We fight for freedom. We wish for freedom – Yet most people choose to be slaves.

What do I mean?

People are slaves to commercial foods that taste bad and make you fat and sick.

People are slaves to dieting

They are slaves to the prescription drugs that maintain your life in one way or another

They are slaves to daily overload

Slaves to TV

Slaves to what other people think

Slaves to always wanting more – never enough

Slaves to the cell phone

Isn’t it a good time to break free?

Let’s take a couple baby steps.

  1. If you’re talking to someone – whether it be a friend or a sales clerk, and the cell phone rings – let it go to voice mail. Do you really need to be connected 24/7? Besides, it-s incredibly rude.  If I don’t answer my phone, I’m busy or driving. I’ll call you later. Try it. It’s very freeing.
  1. It’s summer. Get your butt outside! Turn off that TV and go live life. There’s a bajillion things to do. Spoken like a real mother, ey?

Finding your personal freedom takes a bit of planning.

I used to take vacation the first 2 weeks in July when my daughter was young. It was our time to play in the lake, hit festivals, and whatever we felt like doing.

I’d plan the menus for the next 2 weeks, and do the bulk of the shopping.

I’d finish up the laundry, including the bedding and of course, all the towels!

The house would be clean.

I didn’t want be worrying about shopping, or cleaning, or what we’re going to eat.

We were free to just have fun.

And none of that planning was all that strenuous. It just took a little thought and a little effort. Not a big deal. But the freedom to have fun? Now THAT’S a big deal!


You know what else is freeing?

Eating great food that leaves you with tons of energy to get out there and live life. Here are some of my vacation freedom dinner menus –

Teriyaki Chicken, Coconut Rice, Fresh Green Beans, Fresh Pineapple

Chicken Wraps, refried beans, fruit

Steak, salad, baked potato

Fake baked mostaccioli, salad, Italian bread

Marinated Pot Roast on the grill with marinated grilled peppers and potatoes

BLTs, French fries, fruit

Tuna salad on French rolls with cheese, lettuce and tomato, and fruit

Pork chops, sweet potatoes, cooked apples, green beans

Shish kabobs on rice

Gourmet Cheeseburgers, corn on the cob, and watermelon

BBQ chicken breast, broccoli salad, grilled potatoes

Grilled chicken breast, BLT tossed salad, potato salad

Chicken fajitas with grilled peppers, onion, and tomatoes, refried black beans, fruit

You may also notice that the only packaged foods are refried beans and french fries. Hey, they’re good once in a while. A bag lasts us months. And we’ll probably eat out a couple times in there too. Pizza for sure!

Everything above is quick and easy to make. I’ve gotten to where I don’t like to cook things that take a long time (except holidays dinners – love making those!)

I love a clean house, but I don’t want to spend my life cleaning it. That’s why I came up with our cleaning system. Brush up if you’ve been letting things slip a bit…

I love eating good food, but I don’t want to spend my life cooking and doing dishes. There are hundreds of fast, easy, delicious recipes here for you to explore.

Some good planning, and some good habits, and you have a lot more freedom to enjoy life.

Give yourself a mini vacation this summer.

Ok, I’m heading outside. It’s a beautiful day! Talk to you later!

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