Live Smarter

Aromatherapy A-Z

  The most popular essential oils (in alphabetical order) and their natural attributes. From time to time, we add essential oils that are not listed, in order to provide the completely full list of aromatherapy essential oils. Remember that essential oils should not be applied directly to skin.   Achillea oil. Anti-inflammatory and haemostatic. Against…

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lab rat dinner

Are Your Kids Eating Like Lab Rats?

  I know, sometimes we feel like our kids are aliens. What do you think would happen to them if you started feeding them like human beings instead of lab rats? They’ll sleep better, and wake up easier. They’ll have a better attention span. They’ll have fewer behavior problems. They’ll get better grades. They’ll have…

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The first step to losing weight – or reaching any goal for that matter


So many people are out looking for some crazy diet where you can lose 100 pounds fast, and then go back to eating the way they were eating before. That makes no sense!

But changing your eating habits is probably one of the hardest things to do. It not only requires changing your mind about the foods you like to eat, but you also have to change your eating habits. Do you come home from work too tired to cook? Is there nothing ready to cook when you come home?

Here’s the thing. Life happens to us all. I don’t know anyone who is not retired that has enough time. Everyone is too busy.

So how do some people reach their goals, and most people can’t?

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chicken tacos

Are you focusing on the wrong things?

  Remember that changing to a thin and healthy lifestyle is more a change of attitude than anything else. Like when you plan your meals. When we plan a meal, we tend to focus on the main food – For breakfast – waffles, pancakes, cereal… For lunch – sandwich, hamburger, sometimes salads… For dinner –…

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    Kava is a plant native to the South Pacific and a member of the pepper family. It has been used to reduce anxiety, but doesn’t seem to be very effective. Of greater concern is its safety: Back in 2002, the FDA issued a warning against kava supplements, citing more than 25 reports of…

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    Valerian is an herb that grows in Europe, Asia, and North America. It is known for its calming effects and is commonly used as a dietary supplement for insomnia, anxiety, and other conditions, such as depression, Valerian is widely available Dietary supplement capsules, tablets, teas, and tinctures are made from its roots and…

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Lemon Balm

  Lemon balm, is a lemon-scented herb that was commonly found in Europe in the Middle Ages but is now grown around the world. Traditionally, it was used as a mild sedative and calming agent and is now being researched for its possible antianxiety effects. Lemon balm is “generally recognized as safe” by the FDA….

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    “Insomnia is a serious worldwide health threat, affecting nearly one third of the general population. Melatonin has been reported to improve sleep efficiency and it was found that eating melatonin-rich foods could assist sleep. During the last decades, melatonin has been widely identified and qualified in various foods from fungi to animals and…

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    L-theanine is the amino acid found in green tea that relaxes you.  It can also be helpful for improving focus, memory, and verbal ability. Researchers have seen improvement in sleep problems, depression, and anxiety. Green tea has the highest amount, but black, white, and oolong all contain L-theanine, in varying amounts. You can…

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