Live Smarter

How I really stay fit

    When you think of someone thin and fit, you assume that they spend a lot of time working out, right? Before my daughter was born, I went to the gym 3 times a week, but then… well, you know! Who has time for that? The truth is, the people who are the fittest…

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How to Stay (or Get) Flexible

    Flexibility is something you’re born with, right? I think to a certain extent that is true, but even if you weren’t born flexible, you can get more flexible.  New research shows that there is a direct correlation between how flexible you are, and how flexible your arteries are. (Vitamin E helps your arteries…

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How important is posture?

    Another thing that we really don’t think about is how our posture affects how well your body can function. If you think about it, your body is designed to operate with our organs lined up a certain way. When we’re scrunched over, our organs have to work harder. But there’s also a surprising…

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Great Arms

  You know that I keep by lower body in shape by walking, dancing, and running up and down the hill from the house to the lake. But what everyone wonders is… “How did she get those arms?” Its really simple. You’re not going to believe it but here it is –  (You…

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Breathing for health

  Such a simple thing that we take for granted… Doing breathing exercises increases you lung capacity, oxygenates your cells, build your energy, slows aging, improves mental clarity, relieves stress, and may help ward off cancer. Oxygen starvation at the cellular level leads to disease; in fact, research shows that cancer cells cease to grow…

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