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plastic ware sm

Organize your plastic containers


This is the time of year when we start thinking about getting our homes ready for the holidays. So I thought I would pop up with an occasional random project to help you start getting ready.

Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, and very central to the holidays, I figured we should start there.

What’s the worst cabinet in most people’s kitchen? From my experience its the plastic ware. (People still call it Tupperware, though most of what’s in there isn’t Tupperware.)

Your mission is to organize your plastic containers…

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Getting Your Day Organized

Too many times your task list focuses on work time, while the rest of your life is left dangling. Has any of this every happened to you? You get into bed and notice that the sheets have a slight smell of a locker room. You get up in the morning and walk into the kitchen…

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