You can be smarter and calmer, and protect your brain from chemical assault and aging, avoid A.D.D/A.D.H.D, and slow down disease such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s when you feed your brain these foods –
Apples, apple cider vinegar, avocados, bananas, beef, berries, blueberries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, canteloupe, cayenne peppers, cherries, chicken, cinnamon, coffee, circumin/curry, eggs, fish, flax seed, grapes, kale, meat, oatmeal, oranges, peanut butter, peas, plums, potatoes, raspberries, sage, salmon, sardines, strawberries, tuna, turkey, wheat germ, & yogurt.
Essential nutrients – Vitamin C & E, B 6, B12, Calcium, folic acid, Omega 3s. Check your iron levels. Iron has to be just right. Too little is bad, and too much is bad.
A little mood boosting chocolate wouldn’t hurt either 😉