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summer over


Here it is – August. Life feels surreal. Summer has almost passed us by.

School is starting soon, but we still don’t really know what that is going to look like. How the heck are we supposed to plan our life?

We don’t know what life is going to look like. But we do have to do our best to hold it together…

Its time to get back to our rituals –

  • Take care of the house
  • Take care of our diet
  • Take care of our health
  • Get back to good sleeping habits
  • Get exercise

Doing these things gives us a sense of control in our life, and all of those thing contribute to our mental health.

I get academic papers every day about how environment affects mental health. And, I’ve been taking my own medicine – stop feeling sorry for myself and getting life back in order. I can tell  you, it does help a lot.

Control What You Can

Its time to start getting back into a regular sleep schedule.

If life has really gotten out of control, you may want to revisit the Fast Start course

If the house has gotten out of control, print out the The magic house cleaning schedule , or revisit the House Cleaning course

If cooking has kind of fallen by the wayside, try Basic Fast 3 Course Dinners, or look through the recipes and find something new to try. 

You’ll feel better almost immediately!

fit family

Take full advantage of the remaining summer.

Have an old fashioned barbecue – grilled chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad and watermelon.

Get out and take an after dinner walk. Talk to your neighbors (socially distanced of course…)

Find things to do outdoors. Maybe you can set up a badminton net or croquet.

You can even read or play games at a table outdoors. Winter will be here before you know it. Soak up the outdoors while you can!

Remember, its our rituals that hold our life together and gives us a sense of control. Stick to them like your life depends on it. Actually, it kind of does…


This might help too – Beat Depression Handbook



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