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A padding week – 3rd week of November

Dining Room


This year we have an extra week to prepare.

So, let’s take advantage of it!

This week you can make sure you’ve got everything done up to this point. Review the last 2 weeks and make sure you are on track.

Also this week, you’ll want to deep clean the house. If you’re like me, the holiday decorating starts the weekend after Thanksgiving. It can be hard to clean around them. Its a good idea to get it clean now. Some of those nooks and crannies may not get touched again until January.

     * Clean out the fridge so you have plenty of room.

     * Clean the microwave, the stove, the oven…

     * Vacuum corners, baseboards, under and behind furniture, and the furniture itself including under cushions.

     * Shine up mantels, shelves, and tables so they will show off you holiday decorations. Don’t forget the fronts, sides and legs of furniture.

Go back through the previous prep posts and make sure you’ve got everything covered –

Thanksgiving Prep – 1st week of November

Our Traditional Thanksgiving Menu

OK! Feeling ready?

Good job!






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